Art Hotel Paradiso Ibiza

Color, materials, lighting at night, and specific wood were carefully chosen by ILMIODESIGN to set Art Hotel Paradiso Ibiza apart and bring the Miami feel to Ibiza, Spain.

  • area / size 129,166 sqft
  • rooms 60
  • Year 2018
  • Location Ibiza, Spain,
  • Type Hotel,
  • Miami inspiration, many pastel colors mixed with urban art, a tribute to the style of the group of Italian architects of the 70s Archizoom, these are the keys to our latest hotel project in Ibiza. We have worked in all aspects getting a total reform of the existing building.

    The character of the project is undoubtedly given by the choice of materials. It has been used around 12000m2 of gresite in different shades all chosen by us and developed by the Spanish brand vitrogres. The material has been used both in the common areas and in the rooms where we have created a “gresite carpet at the foot of the bed” creating it through a change of tone of the material. All woods are imported from Bali. We liked to mix contemporary design with a natural element and in this case tropical like the wood we have used for tables and beds.

    To describe our intervention we can start with the facade where some cantilevers and some vertical elements have been added and a lot of light that at night reminds us of the art deco district of Miami.

    Photography: Adam Johnston